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Visitors 102
946 photos, 9 videos

This gallery of 946 photos and 9 videos captures the experience of the 74th Annual Sturgis Bike Week in 2014. This was Jo Ann's first trip to Sturgis Bike Week. There are probably more pictures and videos than you want to look at but the scenery is spectacular and I only included the best shots. Many were taken from my bike while riding down the road so please excuse those that are a little out of focus.

This photo/video gallery is to share Jo Ann and my experience with those that have not yet had the opportunity to visit Sturgis, South Dakota during Bike Week and for those that want to relive the event. You may find some of the pictures/videos offensive but all were taken in public places and what you see is what you get during Bike Week. I assure you that you can find more offensive stuff going on in Sturgis than what you will see here.

If you have never been to Sturgis Bike Week this gallery will give you a feel for the beautiful scenery in South Dakota, Wyoming, and also our extra outing thru Colorado on our way home.

Enjoy and come back and visit again. Be sure and share with your friends.

Select the "slideshow" option at the top right corner of this screen for high resolution full screen viewing.

Ron Rieger
(Photos posted on September 8, 2014)